Passion for the Perfect Design
Have you ever met that person who is such a perfectionist, that even after hours, days or weeks of work, if what they are doing is not quite good enough, it gets binned and they start over?
Local Waipu Fashion designer, Tracey Ann is that person. Her passion for design started as a child. “I drove Mum mad” Tracey says. A very active child, she would be always creating things from scratch but if she didn’t like the end product she would start all over again.
Tracey Ann at home creating a face mask
Tracey Ann’s journey started 9 years ago at Design School at Northtec. After completing a two year diploma in design, she managed a boutique while studying a small business course with the intention of starting her own fashion design business. “ It gave me a bit of a shock” says Tracey, the amount of work required to create a garment prior to receiving an income felt a bit unrealistic to her at the time. She decided to produce made to order and custom made products instead , that way, "the customer makes the choice, not me,” says Tracey. “They tell me what they want and that way, every garment is unique.”
At the moment, Tracey Ann makes mainly baby products: nests, bibs, play mats, breast pads for Mum, cloths, sunhats for babies and cot sheets. She also does clothing alterations for the local community.
Portable reversible Baby Nest
You may ask, but what about the designer frock? For those of you who don’t know, traditionally every one or two years, Waipu and Whangarei respectively, host the Art’nTartan Wearable Arts Awards and Bernina Northland Fashion Awards. Both contests attract designers of all ages and abilities who showcase their creativity and talents in a number of categories. I can say without hesitation that the talent and imagination of these local artists is absolutely mindblowing.
Check this out….
“Floral Tart” by Tracey Ann
I know, talk about WOW!
Needless to say, Tracey Ann loves to change things up and enjoys doing lots of different things in her life. Currently, she works part time as a PA and sews in the evenings to wind down and often gets a bit carried away (much to her partners delight, well, not always!)
I asked her the hard questions:
What do you in your spare time to relax?
My vege garden helps me to unwind and I enjoy pickling, especially beetroot, which I gift to friends and family.
What are you most thankful for?
I am thankful for being given life opportunities and very grateful we live in NZ and being with friends and family.
What is you fave movie or series at the moment?
“The boys” and “Homecoming” series on Amazon prime. I’m a bit of a binge watcher!
Do you have any special likes?
A simple smile :)
You can find some of Tracey Ann’s creations in our Nuture Mama NZ made gift box, and view lots more @traceyanncreate.