Is Mothers Day just a bunch of flowers and chocolates?
Surely a last minute dash to the florist for a bunch of flowers or a box of chocys isn’t the be all and end all? After all, this day is about spoiling your mum, wife or any other special woman in your life. It is a day to show your gratitude toward this woman whom you respect and love.
So with Mothers day right around the corner I got my thinking cap on about ideas for Mothers Day gift boxes. Then I thought, why not ask the people whom this celebration day is all about, the Mums.
What does Mothers Day mean to you?
Mothers day for me is a day to give back for all I do
Mother's day to me means spending the day with my Mom (even though she makes me crazy sometimes)
Mother’s Day means it’s my day to do what I want
What do you like to do on Mothers Day?
I love to rest and have yummy treats and pampering
Mothers day is a good excuse and a chance to get together with my family. I love to have my family around me
It's always nice to hear from our kids on Mother's day. Mark (hubby) will usually grill us a nice dinner on that day
Now my ideal mothers day, my son treats his mama like a queen, since every other day Im the maid, cleaner, chef, taxi, general servant :)
I spend my day treating myself by having the day off all things motherly.
What’s the best Mums Day you have had so far?
Best Mothers day was when I got to share it with my daughter when she was a Mother for the first time
Best day, first Mothers day, because everyone around you makes an effort on behalf of your newborn '
Best day when my son is home for it. They are all special best days!
(Thanks to our Mums for their comments: Sandy, Donna, Katie, Angela & Vickie xxxxx)
Gratitude’s Breakfast in Bed gift box (individual products may vary)
Hmmmm, so a bit of a pattern emerging. Mums like to see their family, spoil themselves a bit and have the day off. Fair enough eh. With that in mind, here’s some ideas to get your creative juices flowing this Mothers Day:
Pamper her: let Mum have a sleep in, bring her breakfast in bed, run her a bath with candles and oils, give her a luxury Mothers Day gift hamper with face and body and products she would not normally buy for herself (not a cheap store brand either) or treat her with a spa treatment/manicure.
Do all the cleaning and cooking
Plan a picnic
Write her a card
Call her or face time - you know she just wants to see you!
Surprise her on Mothers Day with an unplanned visit
Visit a museum or go browsing the shops or go to a movie
Go antiquing if that’s her thing
And of course we do all need a little chocolate fix now and again so Mothers Day is a great excuse for a Gratitude gift box with filled with hand made chocys
No matter what you do, you know Mum just really wants to see or hear from you. Mothers Day is just an excuse to do so!
And understandably, living away from family gets you jumping online to send a pressie or card to your Mum in time for May 8, thank god for internet you may say.
Click here to browse our Mothers Day gift boxes or Here to see our special Mothers Day Delight gift hamper. Relax, We’ve got Mothers Day sorted!