Gratitude moves to the Winterless North
Well, actually as I sit here, not so Winterless today as the rain comes belting down and the wind sends the ponies into a frenzy! After purchasing Gratitude Gift boxes a few months back, I thought an intro was in order.
Our Playground
Collectively we are Maria and Ced ( Mad Erica) and we live in rural Waipu, Northland. I have taken sabbatical from my osteopathic practice to focus on learning the creative skills necessary to help grow Gratitude Gift boxes NZ. It’s no wonder we ended up living here. My great great grandfather was born in Waipu and his father migrated here, settling in Waikare near Russell.
Ced was bought up in a Scottish farming family so he understands how time poor you can be working 24/7. He says buying online is a perfect solution and no excuse to miss that birthday or anniversary.
“Gratitude’s” philosophy was the thing that attracted both of us the most. The philosophy of being grateful and showing appreciation towards others for their love, support, help and generosity they show you. Not too mention, living a more grateful and thankful life can go a long way to improving your own personal well being.
Our Likes:
Musical Icon: David Bowie
Favourite festival: BDO, we miss you!
Favourite beach spot: there’s so many in NZ but Taupo Bay is pretty special
Favourite food: Indian or Mexican, the chillier the better
Best band ever: RAGE
Favourite overseas destination: Greece ( Maria has Greek blood, so a bit biased)
We are constantly sourcing Northland made products that are handpicked and earthfriendly to complement the high quality products we already boast. As a business, our operation is off- grid which means no matter how big Gratitude grows, our eco-footprint will remain small.
We also are actively promoting Northland businesses in general.Here’s a list of some of our faves in the area. Be sure to look them up!
The best pies and artisan bread……
Our friendly local Printing company……
World chocolatiers……
Absolutely gorgeous……………………
Delicious Parua Bay Olive Oil
Beautiful Boutique Accommodation Opua
Jono gets it done!
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